Welcome to Align & Define - Your 14 Day Strength & Pilates Challenge.
I am so excited to start this challenge with you! Your Strength Pilates classes are going to help you strengthen and define your body and take your results to the next level. Your Mat Pilates classes will help to sculpt, lengthen and deliver that mindful burn we love.
Each week you'll complete:
3 Strength Pilates classes
2 Mat Pilates classes
1 Pilates Stretch
1 Meditation
+ you'll find a daily high protein recipe recommendation to inspire balanced eating and nutrition during this challenge.
This is our most advanced challenge yet, we're getting strong this year! I always want you to listen to your body, take extra rest days and beginner modifications as needed.
If you're a beginner I would recommend following this playlist "Beginner Align & Define Challenge" with shorter strength workouts and lighter weights while you're still building strength and perfecting your form and technique. You can find the Beginner Challenge here: https://www.align-app.com/beginner-align-define-challenge
Equipment: You can do this with the equipment you have at home, no need to purchase new equipment to do the challenge. I recommend 1-2 lb ankle weights and 3-5 lb hand weights. I would recommend wearing running shoes for the strength workouts, especially when using 2 lb ankle weights. Shop my favourite equipment here: https://shopmy.us/collections/1098920
Make sure you're following the Align IG account for daily community check ins and motivation, weekly grocery lists, workouts tips and more! We love when you tag us in your glowing post workout selfies! https://www.instagram.com/align.app/
Up Next in WEEK 1 - ALIGN & DEFINE
Welcome to Day 1 of Align & Define! I am so excited to guide your through the next 14 days of strength and mat Pilates workouts. Today we are starting off strong with a combo everyone loves, abs & butt strength Pilates. This class has a strong standing abs and butt series, followed by a sculpting...
How are you feeling after yesterday's class? Pilates gals are getting strong this year!! It feels good!! Today's mat Pilates class is all about sculpting, lengthening and connecting to your body. We're moving with intention, working the low abs, deep core and waist, while sculpting the arms and c...
Today things are getting real, but you're up for the challenge - remember you can do anything you put your mind to my love! We’re working the larger muscle groups with dynamic lunge variations to build strength and endurance. Afterward, we’ll take it to the mat for Pilates-style lifting and lengt...