Welcome to your Ovulatory Phase! The Ovulatory Phase starts about half way through your cycle and lasts on average 3-5 days. This phase is the Summer of your cycle. Your hormone levels are at their peak during this phase, meaning your body is going to be able to handle the highest intensity workouts of your cycle. You can build muscle and burn fat more easily in this phase from strength and cardio pilates workouts, plus notice amazing results from the effort you're putting in. The nutrition for this phase is all about adding in fibre rich veggies, as well as balanced meals to fuel your workouts and help you recover. It's a great time to socialise and embody the most confident, magnetic version of yourself. If you want to learn more about any aspect of this phase, or tips to modify if your cycle is longer or shorter than 28 days, have a look at the Menstrual Phase section of the program guide book.
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