Our mantra today is challenge creates change. This is something I am always saying in our classes, but it's true! And you have what it takes. Today we're working the upper body and deep core (giving our buns a break after yesterdays strength class.) We’re going heavier today to strengthen your arms, back, and posture. Our mat series is dynamic, powerful and sexy! We're working targeting the arms, waist and deep core for a serious burn that delivers results! Your focus is challenge creates change, what change are you ready for in your life and how can you challenge yourself to make those changes happen now?
Equipment: 3 and/or lb hand weights and 1lb wrist weights optional. Wear running shoes for this class.
Wearing: Super Crop, Leggings and Lift Bra in Dusk. Get this set at https://alignlabel.com/
The workouts in this challenge are advanced - remember to listen to your body, take breaks, extra stretching or rest days or do the beginner challenge workouts when needed.