In our stretch class today we are creating space in our bodies and showing our hard working muscles extra love and care after a week of challenging workouts. This should feel really good and is a great way to feel connected to your body and release any tension you’ve been holding on it.
Today let’s release the things that don’t serve us once and for all. Grab a journal and work through these prompts. Allow yourself to write whatever comes out without judgement. This can be extremely thereputic when you give yourself the freedom to let it all out on paper.
• What situations or experiences are draining me that I want to let go of?
• What is making me feel heavy energetically?
• What habits or routines are holding me back?
• Where am I playing small or holding myself back from living my potential?
• What are you protecting yourself from by playing small or not taking action?
• How can you make yourself FEEL safe and supported on this journey towards your goals?