Welcome to the first workout of your Luteal Phase! Today we have an energy boosting low impact cardio + sculpting class. In these first few days after Ovulation, you will usually have more energy and can still handle more low impact cardio and strength classes. Today is focusing on the butt and thighs using simple, but impactful moves.
Listen to your body because your hormone levels change a lot through this phase, it's important to check in with yourself and honour what your body needs each day. Take extra rest days as needed. I'm adding 1 lb. wrist weights but these are totally optional in all the luteal phase classes.
DAY 19 - Abs & Arms Mat Pilates
Today we're working the abs, arms and posture in a power Pilates class. Our focus in on building strength and lean muscle , as our hormone levels still support this. In your luteal phase listen to your energy and focus on feeling good. Always take the options that feel best in your body.
I am u...
DAY 20 - Low Impact Abs + Arms
Hi angel - how are you feeling today? If you're feeling a bit blah as you move through you're luteal phase, today will be the perfect pick me up. We are doing an energy boosting workout with lots of twisting and de-bloating exercises. It's all about strengthening the body in a dynamic way today t...
DAY 21 - Mat Pilates Butt + Thighs
Today we have our last power pilates class of the luteal phase before we start to slow things down. Today is all about feeling connected to your body with impactful and intentional movement. The butt and thighs are going to be worked from all angles. I am using a light booty band and 1 lb. ankle ...